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Capital, Credibility, And Connection Thru Carbon
Municipal Client, CA
“C3 was a game changer for our energy projects. The additional funding helped us to complete previously unfunded projects. As a result, we are getting better bang for the buck on our energy goals."
Credit Buyer, NY
"C3's industry-proven calculations, risk hedging, and real-time reporting gave us peace of mind knowing the credits are trustworthy. It really helped make sure our leadership was confident that our climate commitments would be met in a real and credible way."
ESCO Client, USA
"C3 helps us to better serve our clients by providing additional capital to improve paybacks. As well, the monitoring which was installed during the IGA helps substantiate our savings calcs and gives us better M&V post-construction."
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):
Once the energy credits are sold, can I still use them toward my Climate Action Plan or published Sustainability goals?
If you have adopted a Carbon Accounting policy, you cannot apply the emission reductions toward your Carbon Footprint. C3 has put safeguards in place to assure integrity in the chain of custody to prevent “double dipping” by monetizing of the credits AND applying them to your Carbon Footprint.
Can I still take credit for reducing my energy consumption?
Yes, you DID reduce your energy consumption even if you sold the credits. You can still create content showing the results of your energy reduction. C3 is happy to support your Sustainability/PR strategies by providing content, data and other measures based on our strong experience in Sustainability initiatives.
Who regulates or monitors energy reduction and/or Climate Action Plan initiatives?
There is a level of oversight in certain markets (namely China, European Union and California). The Integrity Council for the Voluntary Carbon Market (ICVCM) has published core carbon principles. C3 is constantly analyzing the regulatory and legislative landscape relative to government involvement in carbon emissions. The United States government has not mandated carbon emissions reporting but there are regulations such as California’s SB 253 and SEC Carbon Disclosure rules which are under discussion. If indeed the political landscape transitions to more required rigor in carbon emissions disclosures, then C3 and its clients are well-positioned because we have tangible/measurable reporting available.
How much funding can I expect from my energy project?
The funding unlocked via the C3 monetization process can vary widely based on a range of factors. Once C3 is engaged in the project assessment we can provide a preliminary estimate after the project specifics are reviewed. As the project is being developed C3 will provide more specific funding projections.​
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